Thursday, August 23, 2007

Please note new price scale

Senior Portrait Session $199
includes 2 hours
4 locations
4-6 outfits
Images on CD
Sample Pack
10 'fully edited' images

Family Portrait Session $100
includes 1 hour
2 locations
10 'fully edited' images
Photo CD in sample package $25

707-580-3427 WWW.TONIMAZER.COM

Monday, August 21, 2006

Its that time of year again... everyone is shopping for the new looks to compliment their own style while staying within the school dress code guidelines.

So you spend all that time and money making sure you are a unique person with your own style, then you spend ALOT of money on senior portraits that make you look like everyone else in your graduating class. So if you desire a little more creative freedom and alot more of you in your senior portraits...

contact Me @ Toni Mazer Photography
(707) 580-3427 business cell
(707) 374-5558 home

2 hours of personal portrait service $149
includes 4-6 outfits & local locations
ALL your images on a high res CD
20 fully edited images... remove blemishes, color correction & other requests